The Syllabus
Taijiquan (T'ai Chi Ch'uan)
Hand Forms
Yang 10-step, 16-step, 24-step, 88-step, & 108-step (Original Long) Forms
42-step Combined Competition Routine
Chen 56-step Competition Form
Sun 73-step Competition Form
Wu 45-step Competition Form
13-Principle Combined Form
Yang Traditional Short Sword Form, 16-step, 32-step, & Traditional 56-step Sword
10 Applications exercises
42-step Combined Competition Sword Routine
Wudang Taiji Sword Form (49 posture)
Yang Broadsword
Yang 18-Step Fan Form
Taiji Kung Fu Fan Form
Walking Stick Form (36 posture)
2-Person Forms
Dui Lian 2-Person Taiji Applications Form
2-Person Sword Form
Pushing hands, including Da Lu, & a ‘sequence’ of 14 different types of Pushing Hands
Applications of the taiji postures
Sensitivity exercises
Breathing techniques
Fa-Jing technique
Qigong (Ch'i Kung) is taught in all classes:
1) Zhan Zhuang Qigong
2) Dao Yin Yang Sheng Gong (sets of exercises for the Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Skeletal, & Digestive systems, as well as for the Liver, Kidneys etc. Also a set for Diabetes, and several sets for the General Health).
For more information about qigong see What is Qigong? or click here