Moving the Arms in Taiji, Qigong, & Yoga
Many taiji forms begin with the arms rising ahead of you, something that also applies to many qigong and yoga exercises. Raising the...
Moving the Arms in Taiji, Qigong, & Yoga
Look at the Spaces in Between
How to Lift the Knee Higher in Taiji & Qigong
Suspended by a Silk Thread
Turning the Head
The Martial Side… Should You Bother?
How Do I Relax My Neck?
RELAX!! What Does That Even MEAN?
Muscle Atrophy the Fast & Easy Way.
Why Tai Chi & Qigong as Exercise?
Our Perspective of Time
‘Connecting’ the Body.
Ting (listening) in Tai Chi & Qigong.
Buoyancy – letting go.
Change in Taiji & Qigong
How on Earth do you ‘Relax’?
Qigong – Why all the Stretching & Twisting?
Pulling up Your Undercarriage.
Pelvic Tilting and your Health.
Sinking your Boat: (4) Results.
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