Cold Hands / Cold Feet
I come across a large percentage of people who suffer from cold hands and/or cold feet. This doesn’t seem to be restricted to any age...
Cold Hands / Cold Feet
Shoulder Alignment: The Practicalities (2)
Shoulder Alignment: The Mechanics (1)
Tensegrity & Tai Chi & Qigong
RELAX!! What Does That Even MEAN?
Change in Taiji & Qigong
How on Earth do you ‘Relax’?
Qigong – Why all the Stretching & Twisting?
Pulling up Your Undercarriage.
Pelvic Tilting and your Health.
Sinking your Boat: (4) Results.
Sinking your Boat: (3) Practising Scuttling.
Sinking your Boat: (2) Above the Waterline.
Sinking your Boat: (1) The Hull.
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